Let us build #redescordiais (#sociablenetworks) together
Redes Cordiais was born in 2018 with the mission of building healthier and more reliable networks. Closer to the model under which they were originally conceived: A public sphere of dialogue and exchange, on a free Internet, in which freedom of expression creates communities committed to democratic dialogue.
To achieve this, we bet on media education, the set of skills that allows us to deal responsibly and critically with the media, from print newspapers to the videos of the app currently in the spotlight. We bet on the power of dialogue. We bet on quality information that journalism helps to disseminate. We bet on learning and teaching. We bet on tolerance.
We bet a lot on your strength as an influencer, whether you are the king of the family WhatsApp group or a youtuber with millions of followers. You are forever responsible for what you share. Let us create a culture to enjoy the good side of being connected. Let us build #redescordiais.
Dialogue is not a simple conversation. It only really happens when you have two sides willing to listen. First, it is essential that we make sure that we have been understood before responding. Only then will the answer really be an answer, and not an eternal ‘serial monologue.’ You also have to bear in mind that dialogue is an unknown destination. In other words: We are on a journey together, moving toward new knowledge.
We believe in quality information as a way of ensuring a reliable environment on the networks, which is essential to the democratic debate.
Redes Cordiais seeks to bring together people from different bubbles and universes that contribute to a plural dialogue.
We value empathetic behavior with respect for the diversity, beliefs, and motivations of others.
Get to know the #redescordiais team
Project coordinator
Especializada em combate à desinformação e co-fundadora
Diretor de operações
Diretor de Conteúdo
Community manager
Conselho Redes Cordiais
Conselho Redes Cordiais
Conselho Redes Cordiais
Meetings that propose a deep reflection on freedoms and responsibility on social networks.
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTThe community of influencers who attended the workshops engage in media education campaigns with different objectives.
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTRedes Cordiais and ITS Rio have held courses and facilitated discussions aimed at adapting the press to the digital world.
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTRedes Cordiais, in partnership with ITS-Rio, developed a broad project in 2020 to increase cyber resilience...
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTBefore the 2022 elections, we held several webinars as part of our efforts to address political gender violence.
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, Redes Cordiais in partnership with Agência Lupa distributed more than 100 checks...
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, the Redes Cordiais brought together professionals who were at the forefront of combating the disease...
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTIn addition to project-related publications, Redes Cordiais published specific content.
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTThis project aims to combat the growth of discourse that promotes disinformation and online violence, especially among young people...
SEE ENTIRE PROJECTIn the last couple of election cycles, Redes Cordiais held video classes for internal communication.